Why I See Good Friday A Little Differently



April 6, 2023

Good Friday

Why I see Good Friday a little differently

My son has always expressed the desire to learn to play the piano. We tried it twice but quickly suspended lessons because he refused to practice and, at some point, did not show the initial enthusiasm he showed at the beginning. So when he asked to play again, my immediate response was to pray and ask God for a miracle because this parent wasn’t trying to waste money again.

Not long after, a church member approached me and offered to teach him to play the piano for free! Parents, be careful when you tell your children to pray because God listens - LOL! I was ecstatic, and we immediately jumped at the opportunity. My son was all in, but my tenacity was waning as we had to drive 20 minutes to get to the instructor’s home, and his lesson was at 8:30 pm. As I weighed my options and considered alternatives, another friend who learned my son was taking piano lessons said, “It’s so cool your son is taking lessons. Did you know there is a two-year waiting list?” Wait, a waitlist? And my son is being offered a spot for free?

Friends, my demeanor changed. I found an extra bounce to my step. The drive suddenly became a joy instead of a chore, a privilege instead of an obligation. Why? Because the two-sentence comment my friend made illuminated the value of the piano lesson. We fully embrace a gift when we fully understand its value through the sacrifice made to offer it.

As I think of Good Friday and what Jesus did on the cross, I embrace my freedom with much more gratitude because I deeply see the invaluable gift of His sacrifice. Because He died, my sins are forgiven. Because He died, I no longer have to carry the shame of the past. Because He died, I can walk away from insecurity, jealousy, comparison, etc. Because He died, I can hold on to His unquenchable hope even when the future seems uncertain. Because He died and rose again, I can trust and believe in Him, walk empowered by His Spirit, and know I have eternal life. May we all understand the power of the cross in deeper measure so we value the gift of freedom His death offers us who believe in Him.

Have a blessed Good Friday.

And Remember, Sunday is coming. Jesus is Alive!


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