Divine Knowledge




The importance of seeking diving guidance or knowledge for our lives.

Having the proper Knowledge

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We've been in a series on developing a life of prayer, and I hope it has been a blessing to you. But before we pivot a little (with a slight focus still on prayer), I want to share one more thing about the importance of having the proper knowledge.

I often wonder how many answers to my prayers are already at my disposal if I had only asked for the Knowledge and vision to see them. Having the proper knowledge or information helps us with decision-making. It also alleviates anxiety, especially when we are in a season of uncertainty, and honestly, it puts us on a pathway to success or advantage.

Especially when divinely given, proper Knowledge helps us stay focused. It keeps us from getting into anything that could steal our joy, aids productivity, giving us more time or margin to do other things. 

I'll share a story to drive this home. It is not an ad for Google, it is just my personal experience, so here we go. I am a to-do list girl. I set goals, but what motivates me more is having a list to check off. I was on a call with a coach, sharing my schedule struggles with all I had on my plate. Our conversation turned to checklists. And in that conversation, she informed me about an app called Google Keep. Google Keep helps you organize your notes and lists using colors and other attributes so it is easy to find and quick to access.

You should have seen my demeanor; I felt like a four-year-old in a candy store when I downloaded the app and started using it. It made finding my checklists easy, and the color coordination was just the right visual to keep me organized, as I have multiple projects to manage. My life feels more straightforward. Here is the point with this story, Google Keep was always at my disposal on my phone; I didn't know it until someone told me about it. I had the goods but needed the Knowledge to access them. And it made me wonder how many more things are at our disposal to help us with the challenges we face with our business, lives, jobs, and home life, but because of a lack of Knowledge, we can't see them. Having the proper Knowledge gives us insight into what we need to do, adjust, obtain, or get rid of to help our lives be better.

So how do we access the Knowledge we need for life? The answer is in Proverbs 29:18 - Divine Revelation. We need to ask God to give us His divine revelation. 

Divine guidance, revelation, or vision is receiving insight from God. It is gaining His view or Knowledge about a matter. After all, He sees and knows everything, so why not ask Him anyway? You see, divine guidance gives us the ability to see beyond our immediate, and it helps us make the appropriate decisions today that will reap great benefits tomorrow. 

So how do we access this Knowledge or divine guidance? 

  1. Ask God for Knowledge or His divine guidance.

  2. Ask Him to give you understanding so you can logically interpret the Knowledge you receive and pray for the godly wisdom to apply it to your situation.

  3. Ask God to open your eyes to the Knowledge or information already available. Sometimes, the things we need are right there, and we need to know how to see or access them.

Here is a short video on Knowledge and how to access it regularly. I hope it helps you navigate the decisions you have to make today, tomorrow, and for life.


Purpose & Pace


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